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The Embassy in Prague is responsible for the Czech Republic.
Who's who
Federal diplomats
Jurgen Van Meirvenne
Address: Valdštejnská 6, Malá Strana, 118 01 Praha 1
Tel.: +420 257 533 525, Fax: +420 257 533 750
Email: prague@diplobel.fed.be
Adrien Vernimmen
Counselor & Consul
Address: Valdštejnská 6, 118 01 Praha 1
Tel.: +420 257 533 524 / +420 257 533 798; Fax: +420 257 533 750
E-mail: prague@diplobel.fed.be
Defence attaché (non resident)
Colonel Jan Maenhoudt
Tel.: +32 2 4416586, +32 478 920 635
Email: jan.maenhoudt@diplobel.fed.be
Delegation of Flanders
Koenraad Van de Borne
General Representative of Flanders
Address: Valdštejnská 6, 118 01 Praha 1
Tel.: +420 257 532 484
Email: prague@flanders.eu
Economic and commercial representation of the Walloon region and Brussels-Capital region
Frédéric Delbart
Economic and Commercial Counsellor
Business Development and Technology
Address: Klicperova 604/8, 150 00 Praha 5
Tel : +420 224 934 570
E-mail: prague@awex-wallonia.com
Web: wallonia.be / wallonia.cz / investinwallonia.be / hub.brussels
Economic and commercial office of the Flemish region
Markéta Borůvková
Head of the Office, Flanders Investment & Trade
Address: Valdštejnská 6, 118 01 Praha 1
Tel.: +420 257 530 626
Email: prague@fitagency.com